Check out these unusual characters for yourself….”Lucky the Pain-proof Man” and Jim Stillanos will be appearing at the Orlando location of Ripley’s Believe It or Not Odditorium on May 28th. Believe it or not,”Lucky the Pain-proof Man” performs such acts as lying face down on broken glass while people stand on his back. He also consumes molten lead and hammers nails into his nose. He was the winner of Ripley’s Unbelievable Talent Contest in New York, where he kicked off his routine by eating a glass light bulb. Jim Stillanos was also a finalist at this event, where he showcased his talents of juggling fire and walking on sharp pieces of glass. This is sure to be an interesting show, and you may even end up on TV. There will be videotaping of the event that will be shown in Ripley’s locations worldwide. Showtimes are 1pm and 3pm. Check out our spotlight article for more information on the Ripley’s attraction.