Capone’s Dinner & Show embarked on a renovation plan over three years ago and it’s now complete. The renovations began with the opening of a new show after fifteen years of running the original Capone’s show.
The first phase included replacing all the sound and lighting for the new show. New props were added along with a new proscenium. All new costumes were developed for the new show and a totally new musical score and script. The show opened to rousing reviews and continues to entertain guests today with its farcical humor and the gangsters and dames routines.
The next phase of the renovation included replacing tables, chairs and renovating the buffet. These steps brought a slightly new feel to the theatre and enhanced their buffet presentation. They also hired a new chef at the time with a goal to improve the food quality and deliver the best dinner of all the dinner shows in Orlando. The beverages included with ticket price at that time were also revamped. Capone’s went from a low end draft beer to serving Bud Light Draft, adding 3 wine choices, and changed the included cocktail choices now including Al’s original rum runner, vodka & cranberry and rum and cola. They also improved non alcoholic beverages dumping soda gun iced tea to fresh brewed iced tea, adding fruit punch, cranberry juice and kiddy cocktails to their selection of the usual soda choices.
This year Capone’s has totally renovated their exterior, replaced carpet, added faux painting and wallpaper, replaced most of their art work, replaced booths, painted and completely renovated their gift shop and box office. The old joint is looking better than ever!
Al and the gang invite you and your gang to come experience all the changes and guarantee you will not be disappointed. It’s great in this economy to see one of Orlando’s original dinner shows investing in all the changes.